June 6th is an auspicious date in American history. It was “D-Day”, also known as “Operation Overlord”. Most of us know it as The Invasion of Normandy. It was the beginning of the end of WW II.
American Legion Post 25, Tomoka Heights, the Town of Lake Placid, Highlands County, and Florida were honored to have 101-year-old Chester Barber to celebrate the anniversary of this day this past June 6th. On D-Day, Chester was in the air, flying his P-37 (aka, DC-3) plane full of paratroopers to be dropped off behind German enemy lines to “take out” as many German soldiers as possible.
After dropping paratroopers, while being shot at by German anti-aircraft weapons, Chester returned to England and was loaded up with supplies to be air-dropped in France, behind enemy lines. Every flight could have been any pilot’s last. Chester flew many, many missions.
A big “THANKS” to Highlands News-Sun staff writer, Kim Moody for covering our D-Day event. And a bigger “THANKS” to Cindy Morrison for connecting with Post 25 and inspiring us to salute our local Hero and friend, Chester Barber.

To read the BIG VERSION of the Wednesday, June 12, 2024 edition of The Highlands News-Sun “Lake Placid Section”, CLICK HERE.
See you all at Post 25!

Just ask any officer for info!