Auxiliary Meetings are the
2nd Thursday of every month at 5:00 pm
Our next Scheduled Monthly Auxiliary Meeting is this Thursday, 5/09/2024, at 5 pm.
We have a lot of things on our to-do list that we want to accomplish in support of our Veterans.
Please plan on attending our meetings. We need your help and support by volunteering whatever time you can spare.
See you all at Post 25! – Donna James, Post 25 Auxiliary President
2024-2025 Auxiliary Positions:
Patty Bloom, President
Donna James, 1st Vice
Lynn Gordon, 2nd Vice/membership
Linda Kolarik, Secretary
Carole Cook, Treasurer
Yvonne DiPascale, Sgt At Arms
Bethlinn Mackes, Chaplain
Joanne Bishop, Historian
Legion Post 25 Office Hours are 11 AM – 2 PM on Weekdays.
Call 863-465-0975
Membership Applications Available at the Legion.
Inquire about details at the office or bar.
The American Legion Auxiliary is made up of male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. “Founded in 1919, the Auxiliary has almost 1 million members. The Auxiliary administers hundreds of volunteer programs, gives thousands of hours to its communities, to veterans, and raises money to support programs, as well as other charities. It is all accomplished with volunteers.
Originally organized to assist The American Legion, the Auxiliary has achieved its own identity by working with the Legion Veterans and Sons of Legion members.
The Auxiliary proudly stands behind America and our ideals.